[COPY THIS] 6 Ingredients of Having YOUR POWER VOICE | Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore

Let me ask you a question...

Have you ever been in a conversation or a speech where you felt your voice is not good enough? Not powerful enough? Not strong enough?

One of the areas that we focus on during THE CONFIDENT SPEAKER Conference is creating and effectively using what I call YOUR POWER VOICE.

Your voice matters.

However sadly, most people don’t know how to use their voice properly. They have a low-status voice--- one that screams weakness. Their speaking is monotonous and they don’t know when to pause, when you speak to fast and when you speak slow. They don’t know the peaks and valleys of voice, so they speak like a 85-year old grandfather--- plain old vanilla.





The problem with that is if your voice is monotonous and uninteresting, then people don’t pay attention to you. They ignore you and oh yes they look at their cell phone instead of looking at you.

Have you ever faced that?

Is that a good feeling at all?

And what’s the impact of this voice problem if you don’t solve it? What happens if this continues over time?

Well, people with less experience than you get ahead of you in career. THEY get the attention, you don’t. THEY get the promotion, you don’t. THEY become the boss, you don’t.


Of course, not!

In order to solve it, you MUST create your POWER VOICE.

Here are the 6 ingredients of having a POWER VOICE.

Ingredient #1: Depth of your voice. This something you must create so your voice is strong, powerful & authoritative. I will show you at the course.

Ingredient #2:  Tonality and the right pitch tone. If you tone is not right, you will be misunderstood and also at times you will be ignored.

Ingredient #3:  Speed and direction of your voice when speaking. If you’re too slow, people will sleep. If you’re too fast, people will get overwhelmed. Make sure you do it THE RIGHT WAY.

Ingredient #4:  Peaks & valleys and the proper use during presentations to control attention of people. Especially do it in the first 7 seconds. Or else you’re dead.

Ingredient #5:  Voice position (there are 7 major positions). The positions to take on give you the respect you desire. Don’t miss it.

Ingredient #6:  High status vocal control for maximum impact. If you want to make an impact when you speak, make sure your voice has a high status: one that people follow.

When you master these 6 parts of your vocal variety & voice modulation, you too will be respected as a great speaker. People will clap for you, they will cheer for you.

Imagine for a moment...

Imagine how you’d feel when you finally get that promotion letter and come home and tell your wife: “Honey, let’s go to Leela Palace for dinner tonight, I’ve booked a table for us. On the way, I will also get you a new dress from the mall. Happy?”

How will she respond to you? Do you think she will be surprised?

Oh ya!

Can you imagine the spark in her eyes?

Pretty cool, huh?

One of the things I will show you is how to use these 6 ingredients properly so you MASTER your voice and become a great speaker. You don’t have to go through trial and error. I will personally show you HOW to implement this so you can create your POWER VOICE and start reaping the benefits in your career.

More confidence.

More income.

More respect.

Let’s make you a master speaker. I will personally mentor you so you transform yourself FULLY. Okay?

I am going out for a movie with Anupama. I hope you’re making it an awesome day.

If you want to know more, go here: www.ConfidenceIQ.com 


About the author: Bishal Sarkar, popularly known as “THE KING OF CONFIDENCE”, is called the best motivational speaker of Bangalore India. Bishal is the creator of “Present like a Champ Boot Camp” (The Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore) where he teaches the participants the step-by-step easy-to-follow process of public speaking success. He regularly speaks to professionals, youth groups, corporate groups, and trains people from various walks of life and brings out the excellence within them. As the author of the book “I Love Public Speaking”, Bishal now teaches professionals how to overcome fear of public speaking and deliver powerful presentations using the proven formula of speaking & presentation success, through his public speaking courses & communication skills classes in Bangalore. He also helps aspiring speakers by teaching them How to become a motivational speaker in India. People say that he has designed the best presentation skills classes & public speaking workshops in Bangalore. For enrolling in Bishal Sarkar’s Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore, call us on +91-88803-61526.


India’s Public Speaking Expert

www.BishalSarkar.com | +91-88803-61526

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